Inter-regional european project TNSI

ISP System start with TNSI project a new European scientific cooperation.

TNSI project, “Transpyrenean Node for Scientific Instrumentation” , with ISP System as one of the two French partners has been funded by the European program POCTEFA ( Spain-France-Andorra cross-border cooperation).

This 3-year project (2018-2021) will give ISP System the opportunity to reinforce its cooperation with Spanish research institutes and SMEs in scientific and strategic fields as electronic ship bonding, nanomotion and X-ray optomechanics.

TNSI partners: BIHURCRYSTAL (SME, Spain, Coordinator), Institute of Material Sciences of Barcelona (ICMAB, CSIC, Spain), the Institute of Material Sciences of Aragon (ICMA, CSIC, Spain), the Centre of Material Physics (CFM, CSIC, Spain), the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR, Spain), Alba synchrotron, Graphene NanoTech (GPNT, SME). In France, the CEMES (CNRS France) and ISP-SYSTEM (SME, France).

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