OPACLO project
This project is cofinanced by the European Union.
Europe is committed with the European Regional Development Fund.
TNSI project
ISP System is embarking on a new European scientific cooperation. The TNSI project "Transpyrenean Node for Scientific Instrumentation", of which ISP System is one of the 2 French partners, was selected within the framework of the European program POCTEFA (cross-border cooperation Spain-France-Andorra).
The main objective of the PHOTOMATIQ™ project is the new development of a generic machine dedicated to the assembly of photonic products. This flexible and modular machine will be compatible with a wide range of products and applications, it will integrate Artificial Intelligence algorithms for faster and more precise active alignments. In collaboration with two partners: the Informatics’ research Institute of Toulouse and ORME, expert in vision system, for innovative developments in Artificial Intelligence and 3D Vision.
OOSSI project
The objective of this project to improve the thermomechanical stability of opto-mechanical systems is twofold. The first objective is to develop a deformable mirror cooled and regulated in temperature for lasers with very high average powers. The 2nd objective relates to the development of vibration attenuators for the structures of large scientific lasers compatible with vacuum and ultrahigh vacuum constraints.
TALSO project
The objective is to develop a variant of the OPLAS process suitable for the assembly of high performance optical components in order to replace the conventional assembly processes. This project is being carried out with three partner manufacturers of lasers (CILAS, Amplitude Laser and Alphanov) and a university partner (the Laboratory of Systems Engineering of the University of Versailles - LISV) specialized in thermomechanical simulation of porous materials.
UFESA project
It focuses on the development of a modular architecture for the linear and rotary servo actuators of ISP System, integrating advanced functionality through the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the actuator. The integration of AI will optimize performance thanks to optimized actuator control, automatic learning allowing easy adaptation to each application and increased maintainability of the actuator.
CALIGAZ project
ISP SYSTEM is developing an innovative process for calibrating gas analysis sensors. Compared to an expensive and time-consuming calibration process using flows of gas mixtures calibrated at different pressures, this new process makes it possible to calibrate gas analysis sensors with greater precision while increasing the production rate. In addition, it avoids the release of gas into the atmosphere and therefore limits the impact on the environment as well as the risks of explosion of the installation.
SP²RINT project
This project led by the St Exupéry Technological Research Institute, brought together specialists in sintering and the OPLAS process (ISP System, CIRIMAT), specialists in the study of the reliability of electronic assemblies (Elemca) and end-users ( Thales Alinéa Space, Continental).