Expertise and Innovation

Key actor in Precision mechanics, mechatronics and Robotic fields, ISP System provides high and innovating products to any sectors of Industry, research and medical.

About ISP System

ANTICIPATION – REACTIVITY – QUALITY  are the ISP System values. Established in multidisciplinary team, our project team and engineers provide you with turnkey and customized solutions to fulfill all your requirements in precision equipment.

We manages a yearly volume of more than 50 projects and holds a technologic portfolio of over 10 patents. For its capacity of innovation in precision products, ISP SYSTEM has been awarded twice by the MICRON d’OR.

: About ISP System

ISP System is also...

10 000

Precision equipments (micro-nano positioning and optical systems).

5 000

Embedded actuators and medical devices all over the world.


Machines designed, manufactured and delivered by ISP System every year.


annual growth over past 5 years, ISP System evolves continuously.

Our skills

  • Precision mechanics and micro mechanics
  • Electro mechanics and electromagnetism
  • Opto-mechanics
  • Electronic
  • Industrial IT
  • Mechatronics
  • Physical measurement and metrology
  • Robotic
  • Thermal
  • Vacuum


Portrait ofPaul Sauvageot

Paul Sauvageot

CEO ISP System and ISP group

Engineer from ParisTech- Arts et Métiers, has founded ISP 1997, thanks to its experience of 20 years in both precision engineering and defence equipment. From 1980 to 1997, he held various in high-technology french companies including Nexter and Thales.
Portrait ofAlain Dongieux

Alain Dongieux

ISP Aquitaine Manager

Manager of ISP Aquitaine since 2007. He previously held various positions in advanced technologies, R & D, production and project management in industry groups such as Lectra Systèmes or Solectron. He is graduated from ParisTech- Arts et Métiers.

The group

The group has progressively grown, since 1997, around ISP SYSTEM which is the main unit. 100 persons are employed of which 40% of engineers and managers.

The group is built of 4 industrials branch on 2 plants: Vic en Bigorre (65) and Pessac (33) : ISP System, Atlantic Production, Vicatech et ISP Aquitaine. The Holding ISP Pilote is in charge of accounting services for the whole group.



ISP SYSTEM is founded in Tarbes (South-West of France). At the beginning, this activity was essentially dedicated to design and manufacture innovating equipment for Aerospace and space industry.


Opening of the Unit “Aquitaine” in Merignac (Close to Bordeaux airport). ISP System wins major contracts for precision equipment for Research centers.


The head office moved to Vic en Bigorre. Ranked in European honours list « Deloitte European Fast Technology 500 ».


Certification ISO 9001-V2008: Quality Management System. Winner of « Micron d’Or » at international trade fair MICRONORA.


Beginning of the delivery of mechatronics equipment for medical sector. Extension of ISP System: opening of a new building dedicated to Mass production (with rooms ISO 4 to 8).


Marketing of a nanometric table (NLS) and serial miniature table (µTMP, µTRM…).


Setting up of the certification Medical CE ISO 13 485. Clinic test of a new medical device (SPI Spirometric device).


Setting up of the certification EN 9100. (Electrical Embedded Actuators and machines for Aeronautics, Space and Defense).


Launch of the Photomatiq machine: photonic micro assembly


The head office of ISP Group is transferred to the new premises of ISP Aquitaine in Pessac



In 0215, ISP System received the Septuors «Economic Performance» award. This award recognizes the company of the High Pyrenees, the most efficient, responsive and innovative, both in domestic markets and export.

Micron d’or

The MICRON D’OR was awarded in 2006 and 2010 to ISP System for it’s actuators and nano-metric accuracy tables at international trade fair MICRONORA.

BPI Excellence

In 2012, ISP System was recognized for the excellence of its method of inovation and was allowed among the first members of the network BPI Excellence (ex network Oseo excellence).

Certifications and CSR


Since 2006, ISP System & Group have a Quality management system approved ISO 9001 for its whole activities. In 2011, the management quality system of ISP SYSTEM & Group has been approved ISO 9001 version 2008 and have been renewed on: 10/07/2018.


The product CPT module SM 3543 Pr and its production line are approved: UL 60601, 1st Edition (Medical Electrical Equipment) and CAN/CSA-C22.2 (Medical Electrical Equipment).


ISP System is certified EN 9100 by Bureau Veritas since July the 10th, 2015 for its Quality management system for aerospace, defense and space activities. Renewed on: 10/07/2018


The ISP Group continues its commitment to a CSR approach (Corporate Social Responsibility) taking into consideration the social and environmental impacts of the company in order to integrate the challenges of sustainable development within its organization, its projects and its stakeholders.


CNES Accreditation Commission has awarded 3 CNES SME Labels for a term of 3 years to ISP System, for: Very high precision spatial actuators, Stratospheric and tropospheric balloons mechanisms & Spatial Deformable Mirrors


ISP is member of…

R&D Partnership

Projects cofinanced


OPACLO project

This project is cofinanced by the European Union. Europe is committed with the European Regional Development Fund.

TNSI project

ISP System is embarking on a new European scientific cooperation. The TNSI project "Transpyrenean Node for Scientific Instrumentation", of which ISP System is one of the 2 French partners, was selected within the framework of the European program POCTEFA (cross-border cooperation Spain-France-Andorra).


The main objective of the PHOTOMATIQ™ project is the new development of a generic machine dedicated to the assembly of photonic products. This flexible and modular machine will be compatible with a wide range of products and applications, it will integrate Artificial Intelligence algorithms for faster and more precise active alignments. In collaboration with two partners: the Informatics’ research Institute of Toulouse and ORME, expert in vision system, for innovative developments in Artificial Intelligence and 3D Vision.

OOSSI project

The objective of this project to improve the thermomechanical stability of opto-mechanical systems is twofold. The first objective is to develop a deformable mirror cooled and regulated in temperature for lasers with very high average powers. The 2nd objective relates to the development of vibration attenuators for the structures of large scientific lasers compatible with vacuum and ultrahigh vacuum constraints.

TALSO project

The objective is to develop a variant of the OPLAS process suitable for the assembly of high performance optical components in order to replace the conventional assembly processes. This project is being carried out with three partner manufacturers of lasers (CILAS, Amplitude Laser and Alphanov) and a university partner (the Laboratory of Systems Engineering of the University of Versailles - LISV) specialized in thermomechanical simulation of porous materials.

UFESA project

It focuses on the development of a modular architecture for the linear and rotary servo actuators of ISP System, integrating advanced functionality through the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the actuator. The integration of AI will optimize performance thanks to optimized actuator control, automatic learning allowing easy adaptation to each application and increased maintainability of the actuator.

CALIGAZ project

ISP SYSTEM is developing an innovative process for calibrating gas analysis sensors. Compared to an expensive and time-consuming calibration process using flows of gas mixtures calibrated at different pressures, this new process makes it possible to calibrate gas analysis sensors with greater precision while increasing the production rate. In addition, it avoids the release of gas into the atmosphere and therefore limits the impact on the environment as well as the risks of explosion of the installation.

SP²RINT project

This project led by the St Exupéry Technological Research Institute, brought together specialists in sintering and the OPLAS process (ISP System, CIRIMAT), specialists in the study of the reliability of electronic assemblies (Elemca) and end-users ( Thales Alinéa Space, Continental).